


Soft KarateⅡ

Next; I use the gyaku-zuki as an example to explain how shime-goshi + hiki-goshi = quantum entanglement.


Classic bit style

【Modern Karate】
The acceleration thrust (○) is released with the rotation of the hips. When the thrust hits the target point, with the opposite hand retracting, the back and forth movement (←○, ●→) stops in the opposite direction. At the same time, you consciously relax the tension in your body and return to the zenkutsu-dachi posture.

Quantum bit style

【Koryu】: With shime-goshi (●) the hip is snapped forward and a constant velocity tsuki is released. At that moment, the hike-goshi (○) starts, and when the thrust hits the target point, (● ○) the two forces overlap. At that same time, jyoge-goshi (gravity ⇔ antigravity) loosens the hips, which return to the natural hangetsu-dachi posture.

Shizumi and Hakama-goshi
I consider the effects of "gravity ⇔ anti-gravity" generated by shizumi and hakama-goshi, which are consciously performed with a relaxed hip joint connecting the upper and lower body.

1. Tachyonic particles exist that travel faster than light.
 *Tachyonic particles are hypothetical elementary particles with imaginary mass.
2. I feel that nature has consciousness. So, I consider that human consciousness is a fundamental *component of nature, along with the space or time, and laws of gravity or quantum mechanics.
3. Pulling the consciousness up to the sacrum and ura-tanden creates a small antigravity effect.

*Exploring the Possibilities of Antigravity
  Einstein's equation of equivalence between mass and energy is:

Create an equation that incorporates the tachyon into this equation.

Condition of antigravity;
E = real number, Numerator = imaginary number (m= -),
Denominator = imaginary number
Let the root tachyon (t) be twice the light speed
∴ t = 2c×2c → 1-4/1=-3 (imaginary number)

As a result】 E = imaginary number/imaginary number. If tachyons exist in reality, antigravity, the expansion and dilation of space-time, is possible. Therefore, this leads to the possibility that the consciousness in 2. 3. has antigravity properties.

- Image of shizumi and hakama-goshi ―

Is focusing on the sacrum working?
I first became aware of the effects of sinking and hunching when I started learning and practicing Thomson Chiropractic Sacral Adjustments. However, at that time (around 1990), I had no way of knowing whether or not there was a connection between this action and karate techniques, and I never gave it a serious thought until I was injured, hospitalized and rehabilitated after the age of 50. While undergoing rehabilitation, the constant theme was: "How to walk without putting pressure on the knee?
Through a process of trial and error, the sensation of "slow, soft crawl with lowered hips(hai)” or "collapsing three steps with stepping foot (kuzure-3hoho) “ that had been ingrained in my body through my past practice came in handy. As a result, I arrived at the answer of focusing on the sacrum.

And now both of my knees are in their worst condition. I can't do seiza, and the doctors have almost completely abandoned me. However, I may not be able to jump or pivot easily, but I can make my feet work smoothly and continue to practice. I can't say with certainty, but I think that shizumi and hakama-goshi are working.


Achieve the Jyuho
The movements of Koryu-Tosi inherited by Chitose-Sensei are not stagnant. They are like the clouds in the sky, the wind blowing through the mountains, and the flow of water in the valley. When I was an uchi-deshi, I described it as "another dimension of karate" or "mai no te," and I practice with the desire to reach that level someday.

Recently I have:
1) Developed Koryu's root theory. Its existence lies in the “Serious Sword Method,” the ultimate in jyutai (soft body) techniques, and in sumo technique.
2) Composed the Todi 12-shi.
3) Done an outline of GungFu.

I have reached the stage where I can explain the above matters. Nevertheless, the road to "Riki-Hittatsu" is still a long one, and training continues.

I am now practicing on my own, incorporating sumo exercises (teppo, butsukari [bumping], etc.) into my basic exercises. The reason for this is that I believe that Sanchin reflects the essence of basic sumo techniques, and that Sanchin is an excellent training kata for developing both hard and soft bodies.

For me, sumo exercise is one way to grasp the Jyuho. I suggest that you find a method that suits you and that you can continue for a long time without strain, and then choose a place and tools to practice it.

As for the sumo exercise, be careful not to divide your waist (koshi wo waru), tense your muscles, and then rush and strike, as this will definitely hurt your body. (July 2021)<Back>




Soft karateⅠ